Source code for geoglows.bias

import math
import warnings

import hydrostats as hs
import as hd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import interpolate

__all__ = [

[docs] def correct_historical(simulated_data: pd.DataFrame, observed_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Accepts a historically simulated flow timeseries and observed flow timeseries and attempts to correct biases in the simulation on a monthly basis. Args: simulated_data: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values observed_data: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values Returns: pandas DataFrame with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values """ # list of the unique months in the historical simulation. should always be 1->12 but just in case... unique_simulation_months = sorted(set(simulated_data.index.strftime('%m'))) dates = [] values = [] for month in unique_simulation_months: # filter historic data to only be current month monthly_simulated = simulated_data[simulated_data.index.month == int(month)].dropna() to_prob = _flow_and_probability_mapper(monthly_simulated, to_probability=True) # filter the observations to current month monthly_observed = observed_data[observed_data.index.month == int(month)].dropna() to_flow = _flow_and_probability_mapper(monthly_observed, to_flow=True) dates += monthly_simulated.index.to_list() value = to_flow(to_prob(monthly_simulated.values)) values += value.tolist() corrected = pd.DataFrame(data=values, index=dates, columns=['Corrected Simulated Streamflow']) corrected.sort_index(inplace=True) return corrected
[docs] def correct_forecast(forecast_data: pd.DataFrame, simulated_data: pd.DataFrame, observed_data: pd.DataFrame, use_month: int = 0) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Accepts a short term forecast of streamflow, simulated historical flow, and observed flow timeseries and attempts to correct biases in the forecasted data Args: forecast_data: A dataframe with a datetime index and any number of columns of forecasted flow. Compatible with forecast_stats, forecast_ensembles, forecast_records simulated_data: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values observed_data: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values use_month: Optional: either 0 for correct the forecast based on the first month of the forecast data or -1 if you want to correct based on the ending month of the forecast data Returns: pandas DataFrame with a copy of forecasted data with values updated in each column """ # make a copy of the forecasts which we update and return so the original data is not changed forecast_copy = forecast_data.copy() # make the flow and probability interpolation functions monthly_simulated = simulated_data[simulated_data.index.month == forecast_copy.index[use_month].month].dropna() monthly_observed = observed_data[observed_data.index.month == forecast_copy.index[use_month].month].dropna() to_prob = _flow_and_probability_mapper(monthly_simulated, to_probability=True, extrapolate=True) to_flow = _flow_and_probability_mapper(monthly_observed, to_flow=True, extrapolate=True) # for each column of forecast data, make the interpolation function and update the dataframe for column in forecast_copy.columns: tmp = forecast_copy[column].dropna() forecast_copy.update(pd.DataFrame(to_flow(to_prob(tmp.values)), index=tmp.index, columns=[column])) return forecast_copy
[docs] def statistics_tables(corrected: pd.DataFrame, simulated: pd.DataFrame, observed: pd.DataFrame, merged_sim_obs: pd.DataFrame = False, merged_cor_obs: pd.DataFrame = False, metrics: list = None) -> str: """ Makes an html table of various statistical metrics for corrected vs observed data alongside the same metrics for the simulated vs observed data as a way to see the improvement made by the bias correction. This function uses on the 3 inputs. If you have already computed these because you are doing a full comparison of bias correction, you can provide them to save time Args: corrected: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values simulated: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values observed: A dataframe with a datetime index and a single column of streamflow values merged_sim_obs: (optional) if you have already computed it,, observed) merged_cor_obs: (optional) if you have already computed it,, observed) metrics: A list of abbreviated statistic names. See the documentation for HydroErr """ if corrected is False and simulated is False and observed is False: if merged_sim_obs is not False and merged_cor_obs is not False: pass # if you provided the merged dataframes already, we use those else: # merge the datasets together merged_sim_obs = hd.merge_data(sim_df=simulated, obs_df=observed) merged_cor_obs = hd.merge_data(sim_df=corrected, obs_df=observed) if metrics is None: metrics = ['ME', 'RMSE', 'NRMSE (Mean)', 'MAPE', 'NSE', 'KGE (2009)', 'KGE (2012)'] # Merge Data table1 = hs.make_table(merged_dataframe=merged_sim_obs, metrics=metrics) table2 = hs.make_table(merged_dataframe=merged_cor_obs, metrics=metrics) table2 = table2.rename(index={'Full Time Series': 'Corrected Full Time Series'}) table1 = table1.rename(index={'Full Time Series': 'Original Full Time Series'}) table1 = table1.transpose() table2 = table2.transpose() table_final = pd.merge(table1, table2, right_index=True, left_index=True) return table_final.to_html()
def _flow_and_probability_mapper(monthly_data: pd.DataFrame, to_probability: bool = False, to_flow: bool = False, extrapolate: bool = False) -> interpolate.interp1d: if not to_flow and not to_probability: raise ValueError('You need to specify either to_probability or to_flow as True') # get maximum value to bound histogram max_val = math.ceil(np.max(monthly_data.max())) min_val = math.floor(np.min(monthly_data.min())) if max_val == min_val: warnings.warn('The observational data has the same max and min value. You may get unanticipated results.') max_val += .1 # determine number of histograms bins needed number_of_points = len(monthly_data.values) number_of_classes = math.ceil(1 + (3.322 * math.log10(number_of_points))) # specify the bin width for histogram (in m3/s) step_width = (max_val - min_val) / number_of_classes # specify histogram bins bins = np.arange(-np.min(step_width), max_val + 2 * np.min(step_width), np.min(step_width)) if bins[0] == 0: bins = np.concatenate((-bins[1], bins)) elif bins[0] > 0: bins = np.concatenate((-bins[0], bins)) # make the histogram counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(monthly_data, bins=bins) # adjust the bins to be the center bin_edges = bin_edges[1:] # normalize the histograms counts = counts.astype(float) / monthly_data.size # calculate the cdfs cdf = np.cumsum(counts) # interpolated function to convert simulated streamflow to prob if to_probability: if extrapolate: func = interpolate.interp1d(bin_edges, cdf, fill_value='extrapolate') else: func = interpolate.interp1d(bin_edges, cdf) return lambda x: np.clip(func(x), 0, 1) # interpolated function to convert simulated prob to observed streamflow elif to_flow: if extrapolate: return interpolate.interp1d(cdf, bin_edges, fill_value='extrapolate') return interpolate.interp1d(cdf, bin_edges)