Source code for geoglows.analyze

import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

__all__ = [

[docs] def gumbel1(rp: int, xbar: float, std: float) -> float: """ Solves the Gumbel Type 1 distribution Args: rp: return period (years) xbar: average of the dataset std: standard deviation of the dataset Returns: float: solution to gumbel distribution """ return round(-math.log(-math.log(1 - (1 / rp))) * std * .7797 + xbar - (.45 * std), 2)
[docs] def simple_forecast(ens: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the simple forecast from a dataframe of forecast ensembles Args: ens: a dataframe of forecast ensembles Returns: pandas DataFrame with datetime index and columns flow_uncertainty_upper, flow_median, flow_uncertainty_lower """ df = ( ens .drop(columns=['ensemble_52']) .dropna() ) df = pd.DataFrame({ f'flow_uncertainty_upper': np.nanpercentile(df.values, 80, axis=1), f'flow_median': np.median(df.values, axis=1), f'flow_uncertainty_lower': np.nanpercentile(df.values, 20, axis=1), }, index=df.index) return df
[docs] def forecast_stats(ens: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the statistics for a dataframe of forecast ensembles Args: ens: a dataframe of forecast ensembles Returns: pandas DataFrame with an index of datetime and columns min, max, mean, median, 25%, 75% """ df = ( ens .drop(columns=['ensemble_52']) .dropna() ) return ( pd .DataFrame( { 'flow_min': df.min(axis=1), 'flow_25p': df.quantile(.25, axis=1), 'flow_avg': df.mean(axis=1), 'flow_med': df.median(axis=1), 'flow_75p': df.quantile(.75, axis=1), 'flow_max': df.max(axis=1), }, index=df.index ) .merge( ens[['ensemble_52']] .rename(columns={'ensemble_52': 'high_res'}), left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer' ) .sort_index(ascending=True) )
[docs] def daily_averages(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the daily average of a dataframe with a datetime index Args: df: a dataframe of retrospective simulation data Returns: pandas DataFrame with an index of "%m/%d" dates for each day of the year """ return df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%m/%d')).mean()
[docs] def monthly_averages(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the monthly average of a dataframe with a datetime index Args: df: a dataframe of retrospective simulation data Returns: pandas DataFrame with an index of "%m" values for each month """ return df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%m')).mean()
[docs] def annual_averages(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the annual average of a dataframe with a datetime index Args: df: a dataframe of retrospective simulation data Returns: pandas DataFrame with an index of "%Y" values for each year """ # select years with >= 365 entries df = df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%Y')).filter(lambda x: len(x) >= 365) return df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%Y')).mean()
[docs] def daily_variance(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate the daily standard deviation of a dataframe with a datetime index Args: df: a dataframe of retrospective simulation data Returns: pandas DataFrame with an index of "%m/%d" dates for each day of the year """ return df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%m/%d')).std()
[docs] def daily_stats(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates the statistics for a datafame given the day of year Args: df: historical data to compute daily statistics from Return: pd.DataFrame: dataframe with average, min, 25% values, median, 75% value and max value for each day of year """ daily_grouped = df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%m/%d')) return ( daily_grouped .mean() .merge(daily_grouped.min(), left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=('_avg', '_min')) .merge(daily_grouped.quantile(.25), left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(daily_grouped.median(), left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=('_25%', '_med')) .merge(daily_grouped.quantile(.75), left_index=True, right_index=True) .merge(daily_grouped.max(), left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=('_75%', '_max')) )
[docs] def daily_flow_anomaly(stats: pd.DataFrame, day_avgs: pd.DataFrame, daily: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute the anomaly between the average forecasted flow and the daily average Args: stats: the csv response from the ForecastStats data service day_avgs: the csv response from the DailyAverages data service daily: if true, aggregate the hourly forecast to a daily average before computing the anomaly Returns: pandas DataFrame with a datetime index and a column labeled 'anomaly_m^3/s' """ anomaly_df = pd.DataFrame(stats['flow_avg_m^3/s'], index=stats.index) anomaly_df = anomaly_df.dropna() if daily: anomaly_df = anomaly_df.resample('D').mean() anomaly_df['datetime'] = anomaly_df.index anomaly_df.index = anomaly_df.index.strftime("%m/%d") anomaly_df = anomaly_df.join(day_avgs, how="inner") anomaly_df['anomaly_m^3/s'] = anomaly_df['flow_avg_m^3/s'] - anomaly_df['streamflow_m^3/s'] anomaly_df.index = anomaly_df['datetime'] del anomaly_df['flow_avg_m^3/s'], anomaly_df['datetime'], anomaly_df['streamflow_m^3/s'] return anomaly_df
[docs] def return_periods(df: pd.DataFrame, rps: int or tuple = (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100)) -> dict: """ Solves the Gumbel Type-I distribution using the annual maximum flow from the historic simulation Args: df: a dataframe of retrospective simulation data rps: an integer or iterable of integer return period numbers to compute Returns: dict with keys 'max_simulated' and 'return_period_{year}' for each year with float values to 2 decimals """ annual_max_flow_list = df.groupby(df.index.strftime('%Y')).max().values xbar = np.mean(annual_max_flow_list) std = np.std(annual_max_flow_list) if type(rps) is int: rps = (rps,) ret_pers = { 'max_simulated': round(np.max(annual_max_flow_list), 2) } ret_pers.update({f'return_period_{rp}': round(gumbel1(rp, xbar, std), 2) for rp in rps}) return ret_pers
[docs] def low_return_periods(hist: pd.DataFrame, rps: tuple = (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100)) -> dict: """ Solves the Gumbel Type-I distribution using the annual minimum flow from the historic simulation Args: hist: the csv response from the HistoricSimulation streamflow data service rps: a tuple of integer return period numbers to compute Returns: dictionary with keys labeled f'{return_period}_year' and float values """ annual_min_flow_list = [] low_flows = {} year_min = hist.index.min().year year_max = hist.index.max().year for y in range(year_min, year_max + 1): annual_min_flow_list.append(hist[hist.index.year == int(y)].min()) annual_min_flow_list = np.array(annual_min_flow_list) xbar = np.mean(annual_min_flow_list) std = np.std(annual_min_flow_list) for rp in rps: value = gumbel1(rp, xbar, std) value = value if value > 0 else 0 low_flows[f'return_period_{rp}'] = value return low_flows